Tower Hamlet, London
So what´s new lately? not a whole lot i´m afraid. Apart from busy planning my autumn travel and arranging logistics where it sees fit, i have been lying pretty low, only a selected few know that i´m currently lurking around in London, as i havent been exactly publicizing my return. Reason? I´m hoping to be a little frugle this month and hence cant really socialize and pubcrawl with mates. Money is needed when i next travel in september.
Got back to London Victoria from Plymouth in time for the Summer Cruise Party hosted by the RSA. It was a good reunion with all my ex colleagues as i really did enjoy working and boozing with them. And having lived so close to River Thames all this time im in London, i havent actually gone on a cruise on it. So free cruise plus free food means no chance im missing it.
And it couldnt be happening at a better time. Summer is at its best with temperature soaring as high as 30 degrees and the whole city has gone lunatic about it. Everyone walks on the street with little or nothing on them and Ice cream Giant - Ben & Jerry´s has been offering unlimited free ice cream at the park.
London is also celebrating the handover of the Olympic torch later this month and there is a good lineup of gigs and parties and carnivals taking place every single weekend. Summer also means everyone´s traveling and everyone´s coming over here and they are gonna wanna bunk with me in my room which means i´m not gonna have any peace. Well, i guess i shouldnt complain.
but you know what, the heat is somewhat killing me, if i´ve wanted to live in a hot country, i would have gone back home already. Autumn is beckoning and i´m going to paris! then on to Belgium and Holland before hitting scandinavia and the baltic countries.
so let´s have a quiet august and enjoy the Olympic games. I have a feeling China is on the upper hand though im not sure if im supporting them given their lousy humanrights record, but it´s time to send a message to the whites that the yellowskins are a force to be reckoned with, dont you think?