this week sees the beginning of a cold spell and it snowed briefly yesterday, cycling is no longer recreational and all activities are indoor-bound now. We finished our first course and i think i did pretty well in the exam on tuesday (we'll see), and all papers are highly praised (maybe this is just the swedish way).
new course started right after without so much of a break, but that didnt stop us from getting a few much deserved beer after such hard work!We are studying in a different University now, in the countryside of Uppsala, brilliant bike trail through the woods and especially now when the leaves are falling and the colors stunning.
i feel stronger and healthier now because of so much biking and fresh air, and it's free fitness too! so what's happening next? oh ive got the tickets to Germany for three weeks over Christmas, it'll be great to get out of the cold for a while tho i doubt it'll be less chilly. But Christmas in Germany is always good fun, afterall didnt they introduce the Christmas Tree? or did the brits? well who cares!