Monday, November 21, 2005

Christmas... officially doing 'graveyard' shift again...

Sometimes, i feel im just being too nice...

X: Marcus, is it possible if i exchange shift with you for the next couple of weeks?
Me: Which shift are you scheduled to do?
X: I will be doing the midnight shift.
Me: ohh...may i know why you would like me to swap with you?
X: It aint convenient for me to come at see, i do not have means of transportation...
Me: Geez...that sucks...
X: So are you cool with it?
Me: (damn dude, im not cool bout it) Oh yeah, i guess that wont be a problem...
X: That'd be great, thanks alot man...
Me: Yeah, dun mention it...(you can say that again...) i am...deprived of sleep...luckily im not hungry, otherwise im gonna get VERY cranky...Thank you Mom for that nice sandwiches from Crowne are the best...

Boss has been telling everyone im the 'whiner' in the office...

'It's too warm'
'There's so much to do'
'Do we get extra allowance'
'Why is this not working?'
'Why didnt you get more stuff for the fridge?'
'Who's gonna work on New Year eve?'

As for the last question, i have specifically made it clear that there will be NO WAY im coming in...i needa count i was asking him who will be that scapegoat....he gave me that smirk and said: i will give present to that person who comes in, apart from the OT...

Geez...he's always doing that...but anyway, i dun think i want whatever gifts he is wont be a trip to toronto anyway (i asked if i could go since the boss is going), he said the trip is too expensive to pay for me...and that's it...

but really, i dun mind this boss of mine, he is kinda sporting, and i nv hide anything from him, not even for my intention NOT to stay long in this company, and my desire to go backpacking...He said i will needa give him three months notice before throwing in the resignation...but i know he's merely pulling my still under probation, which means i can leave within 24 h if i want to...


Christmas comes early this year...I saw the first Christmas tree in MPH the other day...aint that pretty? I'll hafta tell mom to set up the tree soon, i always like decorating it with ornaments...i wonder if she is gonna buy a new set this year...But the Angel will always be the same every year, standing on the tip...watching over us...protecting us...

We rarely put on the mistletoe, because we dun need one to get a peck from mom, and i dun feel comfortable if dad gives me one at my cheek...but we do have tinsels, lotsa makes the house so bright...

I have yet to buy any Christmas present...i'll do it soon...

Tmr there will be a MBA fair at Westin Hotel, ive registered myself in it...i know i dun have the required two years working experience...but i needa know which Uni is offering the best course and the fees that come along with it...I need a MBA...

But i wont b surprised if i didnt show up tmr at the my day off...

Sometimes, i feel like im more of a talker than a walker...

Truth is...i talk the talk and walk the walk...

Try me...

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