Saturday, October 21, 2006

Gosh, wish i had had the time to do more updates here, because i simply dont know where to begin now....lotsa events have taken place in Sydney and post-sydney stopover...will take my time to update 'em as i go...

current location: ChristChurch (yeah, im bach to NZ again....hehe)


Dangar Island, Sydney

So what do ppl think of when it comes to Sydney? Opera House and Harbour bridge? Gosh, there are more to that in Sydney than the mere national icons...

Fine, i did spend like HALF A DAY doing all that tourist obligation of taking pictures around the rocks, circular quay, darling harbour and hyde park, but i left the CBD soonafter...

i have no intention of spending more time in the city if i can help it, ive seen everything that has to been seen during the last trip here this time around, i hopped on the train with David and his 11 y/o son, Ben, and we were on our way to Dangar Island...

David was telling me that no tourists know bout this haven just outside sydney, even not all the locals know bout it, so im indeed very lucky to be invited to stay in the island...

the entire population of the island is 250, and the locals are adamant that it remains that way, strictly NO TOURISTS allowed...

my first glimpse of the place tells me that this is truly paradise, pristine clear water with lush greeneries carpeted the entire area and surrounded by two national parks...i can definitely stay here for a while...

For the next two days, David took me on endless walks to explore the rich nature that the area has to offer, we watch the locals fishing, dolphins playing in the water, oysters rearing, and house visiting...he introduced me to many of the locals and they are all very gentle and amiable ppl...

good times are often short-lived...after spending three days there, i was forced to move on, i still have some journey to cover...and very little time...


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