Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Spending summer here in Uppsala proves to be more rewarding that I anticipated. I was kicking myself earlier for agreeing to do a summer internship instead of a fall one because that pretty much means im stuck here for the whole duration of the season and not be able to travel like everyone else is doing.

But guess what, it's a harsh summer this year and the thermometer is showing high 20's and low 30's. Not a good time to sweat yourself globe trotting if you asked me, I'd spend my time chilling here in this brilliant weather anytime and hangout with them who are also around.

We've celebrated Midsummer during the longest day of the year and now just try to avoid reminding ourselves that shorter days are ahead of us. So what have I been doing all this time? Well, I TRY to do some research for my thesis when I get up from bed every day, and if the sky is blue (which has been for the last month or so), we'll often just hop to the lake for a bath, followed by grills and drinking till late.

People will gradually start coming back when August arrives, and I look forward to seeing some new faces when the new intake comes in. I will be doing my job as International Secretary and will be baby seating some newbies until they are settled down.

There will be a change of scenery come September when the leaves start falling and we will be done picking blueberries and apples and pears by that time. If I have it my way, I will be doing a little bit of traveling to Spain to see some friends and perhaps postpone my study for a month or so.

Time flies when you are having fun, and soon my study will be over, but guess what, im beginning to plan for a one year trip to ozzy when im through Europe. Life is just too short to be caught in a ratrace if you know what I mean. And yes that is meant for ALL OF YOU who's reading. Talk bout rubbing it in.


the swedes love dressing up

celebrating Sweden Day

Buck's Fizz as pre-drink

Our favorite place: Sushi Buffet


Korean dinner@Kitty's




Snapps for Midsummer

setting up Maypole for Midsummer


Sandstrom, Christian and Will

Coaster ride@GronaLund

Sandstrom and Jenni (Stockholm)

another Grill@Chris'

Daniel and his dogs


savante said...

Must be enjoying some lovely weather right now!

Sureindran said...

nice pictures. and did you try that roller coaster ride?

mARCus said...

@Savante: The weather has gone for the worst!

@Surein: sure did!