Monday, January 22, 2007


Gosh, the indonesians are really pissing me off big time, my patience is wearing thin and right now feeling sick in the stomach..

i dunno, maybe that's just their nature, but sometimes i just wanna lay on the beach and read my book, peacefully, please...I havent sat down for five minutes and this dude brought me a drink, and before long, a lady started massaging my back and another woman groped for my hand and started giving me manicure, dont think i didnt protest, but it was fallen on deaf ears, they just dont take 'no' for an answer...

so in the midst of all this happening, i thought it'd be a good idea to announce that i havent any money with me (i really dont), and kinda expect them to shoo off and leech on some other tourists (there are hundreds around me)...but no, they continued servicing me, asking me to pay them later...

then came the vendors selling bits and pieces of everything, shoving everything right in front of my face, and talking nineteen to the dozens at the same time..i was like: cant i just read my book in peace? i ended up buying some necklaces and bracelets and owing everyone hundreds of thousands rp...(yeah, it sounds alot right? haha)

the same thing happens when you walk on the street, i was forcefully 'invited' to browse at all the merchandises that they have to offer...and what really annoys me most is that everyone seems to gang up on you, cornering you so that you have no where to go, willing you to get as many stuffs as possible...i was earlier ripped off into buying three t-shirts for 300000rp, i havent realised i was actually paying rm40 for a cheap balinese t-shirt until i got back...

enough is enough, really needa get outta here asap...

p.s. They have krispy kreme doughnuts here in bali now...yummy...

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