Wednesday, January 31, 2007

KL is really a city of abundance...upon coming back, i have a realization that i never had before, that the people here are leading a lifestyle that is well above average...ive always taken it for granted, that all that we have is just basic necessities, never really appreciated the comfort and ease of life, never had to work too hard to get what i wanted...

We have gigantic, over-sized shopping malls here, complete with assortments of entertainment outlet, you name it, we have it...we have eateries by the hundreds, endless different cuisines and dining experiences...we have affordable medical services, affordable cars to drive with fuel that is far cheaper than that of overseas (and yet ppl are still complaining), we are really a blessed bunch...

it's about time to stop all the whining and whimpering and complaining, and appreciate all that we have...

that's why ive decided that the european continent will be my next challenge...the place where standard of living is skyhigh, things are expensive, everything is expensive, ppl struggle to make ends meet, a total contrary to the lifestyle in NZ...

it would definitely be tougher, i will not have the liberty to spend lavishly on goods that do nothing to sustain myself, im gonna be stuck with a bunch of strangers where friendliness is not their forte, extreme weather to say not the least...

Bring it on...


My bday came and went under my very nose, spent some quality time with friends and family who brought me out to celebrate my getting older, and to remind me that i should get settled down, dont leave the country anymore for goodness sake!

i dunno how to tell them that im about to submit application for UK visa...

i got my locks chopped off at Russell under mel's insistent comment that im looking like a NZ barbarian..

went dining and drinking at 1-U and the curve, and discovered some new bars to my utmost delight... :)

ran lotsa errands which involve settling some disputes with Citibank over some unauthorised charges, appointment with my dentist who assured me i really should get two teeth extracted under reasons only which he is familiar of, went to pick up my IC at the NRD, and so on and so forth...

bought some books of M.Crichton and S.Sheldon variety to cover my next few days of boredom...caught up with some TV series addiction...and all the other mundane stuff really...

i really need more life than this...

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